Virus warning

Ok… despre ce e vorba… niste persoane “bine” intentionate au decis ca una din marile probleme ale omenirii e ca sunt prea putine calculatoare virusate asa ca si-au ales un quest putin bizar si anume sa viruseze cat mai multe calculatoare.


Pai prin cea mai rapida metoda din zilele noastre MAIL si nu oricum au ales sa faca asta intr-un mod cat mai placut pentru “victima” ce dracu daca tot ii futem calculatorul macar sa se simta bine.


Primesti un mail cu urmatorul subiect ” You’ve recieved a Hallmark E-Card!” (*)

Pentru cei care au primit felicitari de la Hallmark interfata mailului o sa li se para foarte familiara restul vor fi doar incantati ca cineva s-a gandit sa le trimita o felicitare care a trebuit platita. Gestul conteaza dar si cat costa gestul pana la urma.

Tin sa precizez ca mailul arata izbitor de bine cu cel pe care il trimit cei de la Hallmark diferenta majora fiind “link-ul” catre felicitare care in loc sa te redirectioneze catre paginca cu felicitarea iti va downloada un fiser pe care necunoscatorii il vor considera felicitare in consecinta rula si BOOM!! ce urmeaza….?? Trojan (printre care Storm Trojan(**)), Spyware, Malware, Backdoor, Adaware, Keylogger sau “doar” un virsus. Oricum nu conteaza fara protectie (sau protectie buna) u`re fucked.

“Link-ul” problematic e de forma asta (adica un ip, in loc de link gen pe care il puteti observa daca mergeti cu mouseul peste link.

Sfat atentie. E pacat pentru un moment de neatentie sa incasezi o “bombita” de genul asta.

(*) Mailul poate veni si cu alte subiecte…. si anume:

You’ve received a greeting card from a school-mate!
You’ve received a greeting ecard from a class mate!
You’ve received a greeting ecard from a neighbour!
You’ve received a greeting postcard from a partner!
You’ve received a greeting postcard from a worshipper!
You’ve received a postcard from a family member!

You’ve received a postcard from a neighbour!
You’ve received a postcard from a worshipper!
You’ve received an ecard from a colleague!
Class-mate sent you an ecard from!
Colleague sent you a greeting ecard from!
School mate sent you a greeting ecard from!

Family member sent you a postcard from!
Neighbour sent you a greeting ecard from!
School-mate sent you an ecard from!
Worshipper sent you an ecard from!
Colleague sent you a postcard from!
Neighbour sent you a greeting ecard from!

School friend sent you an ecard from!
Holiday e-card
Movie-quality e-card
Love postcard
Birthday e-card
Thank you card

Musical postcard
Funny postcard

Storm Trojan ?? (**)

an aggressive pice of malware that has been hijacking computers to serve as attacked bots


Putina lectura:

The storm network is large enough to cut off internet access from any institution its operators choose to attack via a “distributed denial of service attack,” in which hundreds or thousands of computers request files
from a server simultaneously. The entire country of Estonia was brought down that way last year. The network is actually available for rent for anyone who wishes to use it to send spam, host illegal websites, or stage denial of service attacks.


De dimineata am primit un mail care continea exact ce am spus mai sus cu titlul You’ve recieved a Hallmark E-Card! din graba l-am sters ca as fi vrut sa va arat exact cat de bine e imitat mailul original.

Hope this helps si scuze e cam lung post-ul sper ca nu v-am plictisit.


L.E. Virus warning – part II